Si Nos Escucharan Play Summary

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The play that intrigued me the most was “Si nos Escucharan” by Jocelyn Gonzalez. The play’s major themes are the gender inequities, legal status, and social corruption embedded in our political system. The play focused on three Central American female immigrants and their struggle and abuse they endured in their country, during their journey to United States, living in United States, and the way the world around them treats them due to their legal and gender status. The play touched upon immigrant women’s vulnerability of being invisible, exploited in labor work-force, and maltreatment in society.
The play reflects on real life situations that many female migrants experience. For instance, many migrant workers tragic experiences is directly linked to their legal status which contributes to an immigrant’s poor mental health and vulnerability due to the excessive discrimination and exploitation of colored …show more content…

Significantly, many of migrants in the play migrated to America due to their countries poverty, violence, and corruption. This demonstrates that many migrants have no choice, but are forced to leave their country in order to survive and provide to their families. This demonstrates the socioeconomic inequalities embedded in our society. Many of these issues are intertwine to United States intervention with these Latin countries. For instance, the reason for many of these disparities in Central American countries is neoliberalism. Neoliberalism is a structural economical and political tactic which profits corporations by exploiting the developed countries residents and resources which creates corruption and inequalities within the developed country. Therefore, by the play illustrating the protagonist background one can understand the reason for many of these immigrants reason for fleeing their

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