Shug Avery Quotes

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Shug Avery's influence on others in The Color Purple

In The Color Purple the realities of an abusive upbringing are deeply explained to the reader. Celie, the main character, is taught the importance of being strong and standing up for herself through Shug Avery. She portrays strength and independence that women have. In The Color Purple, Shug Avery teaches characters to hold the vigor and autonomy that is hidden somewhere inside of them.

Shug Avery was neglected through childhood and left without a stable environment. Her mother would avoid all ways of conveying love and outright avoided Shug. Contrary to Shug's mother, her father made inappropriate advances onto her. These occurrences caused Shug to distance herself at an early age and …show more content…

As a solo singer, Shug is viewed as a strong individual who has created a name for herself. Once Celie gets to know her better as a person she learns that not only is Shug a self-sufficient woman, but also a woman who is unafraid to go against the current and battle societal normalities. Shug's way of carrying herself rubs off onto Celie allowing her to become more independent. Through Shug's career she teaches autonomy and vigor that she and other women can hold against the patriarchal system.

Shug also reflects her independence onto characters by explaining how they have control of their own lives. Celie is afraid that she is going to be looked upon badly by God because of the abuse that she has endured. When Celie confesses this to Shug, it is explained to her that God will only be angry if someone does not take time to look and admire what is around them. As Well as this philosophy, Shug also teaches Celie that only she can govern her own self and that no one can take away her self-image. By explaining God's ways, Shug teaches the other characters to hold a sense of independence and self-value.

In The Color Purple, Shug Avery teaches characters to hold the vigor and autonomy that is hidden somewhere inside of them. Shug portrays these characteristics in her everyday career as a solo singer. Shug also helps teach characters how to stand up for themselves and hold a solid self-image

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