Should The Driving Age Be Changed Research Paper

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Should the driving age be changed You are driving and your favorite song is on then, BAM! You are blindsided and hit by another car. The State of Ohio should change the driving age for teenagers. Some requirements for the driving age are you have to get a temporary license at the age of sixteen and take classes, but to get your temporary license you need to pass a vision test and a DMV written test (apply). I think the rule should be stricter because kids may be too immature to drive. Teenage drivers should not be able to drive at sixteen years of age because the teenagers can lack maturity, it can mentally and physically help others, and there will not be as many car accidents. Many adults say teenage drivers lack maturity to drive. (Pros) One reason I believe the driving age should be changed is because seventy seven percent of males are more likely to kill someone when driving. That is one reason boys are considered "racer boys". (Minimum)Another reason I believe they should change the age for driving is because the person driving the car could be distracted by the other passengers. Also, the number of accidents will be reduced. Lastly, only forty four percent of teenagers would speak up and wouldn't be afraid to tell the …show more content…

It would be less stress for the parents.(Minimum) The parents would not have to be worried that their child could get in a car accident. Next, fifty six percent of teenagers rely on their parents to teach them how to drive a car.(Minimum) Another way changing the driving age could help is younger people will be able to get additional exercise. For example they can walk or ride a bike. One scary fact is fifty-six percent of sixteen year olds admit that they use their phones and talk on them when they are driving. Lastly, thirty three of deaths among thirteenth to nineteen-year-olds in 2010 occurred in car accidents just with teenagers

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