Should Teens Be Banned At Munchy's Ban On Teenagers?

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It is 2:15 PM and the ban on teens at Munchy's has begun. Munchy's states there are many loud, cell phone addictive teens, therefore they are banning them. They are banning teens just for being teens. Business’ should not have the right to ban students based on their age because not only does that discriminate but it also is bad for a business’ sales and reputation. In a Business Analysis for October, 73% of Munchy's patrons were minors. Having patrons that are minors is not necessarily a bad thing because they bring in money, but they also bring in friends who will bring more money for you. They may be minors, but they do bring in sales and if we ban them our sales could go down which could lead to a whole world of problems. Another point is minors are not always the source of the noise and commotion, but rather businessmen and women who are having a business meeting or on the phone arguing over a business deal. The newspaper ad says no cell phones, but what will they do when a businessman/woman pulls out a cell phone to yell and argue? Also, teens don't call others as often, but rather text each other which reduces the noise level. …show more content…

Does the man or woman next to you yell and argue a lot? How is their etiquette in a restaurant? Nowadays people aren't as tough on others when it comes to how you act in a public place whether it's at a restaurant or just walking around the mall. We don't think about our actions as much, which can lead to bad habits such as talking loudly or arguing. You can't blame teens for acting this way just because they're teens. Most of them learn these habits from adults that they see sitting there, on the phone just talking as loudly as they can and not thinking about their noise

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