Should Students Get Paid For Grades

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Students Should Not Be Paid For Grades

I’m going to talk about my opinion and reasoning on why students shouldn’t be paid for what their grades are. I think this because it causes pressure and stress on teachers and students. It can create conflict between parents and students. Also, it does not change how kids do on their tests. Let me explain why.

First of all, a quote from the article called “Cash for Grades” says, “It causes pressure and stress on the teachers because it can create problems in their classrooms.” Not only that, but it takes a while to go through all of the students’ work, giving them grades, and checking how much each of them had earned.

Also, it can create stress on the principal as well because he/she has to provide the money to give to the students. It gives the kids pressure because they want to get good grades anyway and now they are getting money for it?! Of course they are going to have pressure to raise their grade! Some students might even try to cheat off of other people more often than usual. most Americans, and many educators, still feel uncomfortable with the idea (N-CFG).

It causes conflict because students could brag to other kids around them about how much money they are making. Also, the kids could spend the money on things that they do not need and their parents can get mad at them for that …show more content…

Simply playing kids for good grades or test scores doesn’t actually give them any more skills, (N-CFG). They do not go up, they do not go down. They just stay the exact same as they were before. Some might differ here and there, overall it just doesn’t change. Paying kids won’t get them to study. It doesn’t mean they will spend extra time on it or anything. Barbara Marinak, an assistant professor of education at Penn State University, says the research on monetary rewards is quite clear: They don’t work. “Any type of ‘extrinsic’ reward, by and large, undermines motivation,”

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