Should School Uniforms Be Paid?

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“When I was in school, students wore their best clothes to school, respected the teachers, and did their work, but that’s all changed,” says Mrs. Lynette Sharp, a grandmother and member of the school board. Many believe that the schools are in trouble, and they are suggesting school uniforms as a possible solution. School uniforms will help parents financially, benefit students, and reduce discipline problems. Every year, parents shell out big bucks for “back-to-school” clothes. School uniforms could reduce the financial drain. According to School Trends, a school uniform company, the average family spends $290 per child every August on new clothes. However, a complete set of uniforms, enough to last an entire week, averages only $120. The savings, especially for larger families, could literally be hundreds of dollars each year. Low-income families could especially benefit from uniforms as the school could discount their cost. These families aren’t likely to find many department stores willing to do the same. …show more content…

One big plus is the time students will save pondering what to wear each morning. No need to try on four different outfits when you’ve got a uniform! Students will also benefit socially. The student who can’t afford the logos and pricey name brands won’t have to feel self-conscious about it. Furthermore, according to a National Education Society report, schools that have adopted uniforms have seen an improvement in academics. Students can focus on their studies when they aren’t being distracted by who’s wearing what. And isn’t academics the whole point of school,

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