Should Police Officers Wear Body Cameras Research Paper

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Ayden Rivas Mrs. Axtell English 8 28 February 2024 Police Wearing Body Cameras (Helpful or Unfair) Do you ever think it is fair that police officers wear body cameras while on duty? These body cameras evaluate evidence from crimes for things they didn’t spot. Without these body cameras, the police would have no way to catch the corrupt cops that are on duty and abusing their power as cops. The city is safer when the cops have these body cameras, even though some people say it is unfair that these cops wear body cameras. Police stations should require all police officers to wear body cameras because the cameras help solve crimes and find better evidence, it can also keep corrupt cops off the streets, and keep the city safer. First, body cameras …show more content…

Also according to the article “California Supreme Court Unanimously Ruled Body Camera Footage Can't Take the Place of Witness Testimony officers body camera footage of alleged criminal incidents can be used as evidence in court”, this can be useful to the police officers because when a criminal is in court and on trial the judge will ask for evidence and they can present the body camera footage of the criminal committing the act of the crime. Another thing that proves that police officers should have to wear body cameras while on duty is the amount of corrupt cops that are in the cities. Corrupt cops are all over the city and the station has no way to find out which officers they are. In the article “Baltimore Police Caught By Their Own Body Cameras Planting Evidence, video evidence recorded on the police body cameras caught two separate police officers that appear to show them planting drugs on people”, in this kind of situation the cameras can be extremely useful because the station was able to catch them doing this in the act and not arresting innocent men. Another example of why these police body …show more content…

This proves that police wearing body cameras are useful for catching corrupt cops and proves again that cops should be required to wear body cameras. Some people say that it is not fair that they are being recorded without consent, but these body cameras help keep the cities safer. In the article How Police Body Cameras Are Helping To Solve Crimes And Prevent Accidental Injuries, police found that citizens behave better when they know that they are being recorded. The citizens know whatever they do will be on film and all police can see so they know to be on their best behavior when stopped by the cop. Research on Body-Worn Cameras and Law Enforcement, police have had lots of help from these body cameras because it has helped them with arrests, traffic stops, tickets, public interviews, and evidence quality while on duty. All the things that police officers would need to rely on memory can be solved and improved with the body camera footage. These are all the reasons why it is important for police officers to wear body cameras while on duty. Clearly, the stations and cities should require police officers to wear body cameras

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