Should Performance Enhancing Drugs Be Banned In Sports

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Athletes use performance enhancing drugs, which can be associated with many health risks. Some of the negative effects of performance-enhancing drugs include damage to the body, liver diseases, paranoia and rage or aggression. Performance-enhancing drugs include any substance, taken by an athlete, to improve performance. Many athletes have or still use performance-enhancing drugs, which leads to many bans in sports and national events. Performance- enhancing drugs should be banned in sports because they can harm your body, become a cheating method and put out a negative vibe to spectators. Teenagers use more performance-enhancing drugs as their sports get more competitive. Peer pressure arises as a major factor for this. Excessive and early use leads to damaging your body. Gary Becker, PhD, states that, “for the users of these enhancers are hurting …show more content…

Mark Johnson, states, “elite athletes are role models whose actions affect consumer behavior” (ProCon 2). This shows that spectators, all around the world, look up to these athletes and admire their natural talents and behaviors. Influences from athletes, who use these drugs, create a negative environment for those around them. “Elite spectators are supposed to be about the very best that humans can do, not the best drugs we can create” (Rosenberg 14). This shows that by influencing and promoting the drugs, athletes become addicted to the drug, which could end up limiting or ending their careers, and lead people to disregard the athlete's ability and their performance physically. As an athlete, promoting a drug could potentially harm your body and ruin your career as an athlete, which also can lead to other problems, and can lead to decrease in interest of athletes. The actions of an athlete, not only affect the reactions of the fan base but other aspects of the

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