Should Parents Be Required To Be Licensed Before They Have Children

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Everyday, an average of five children die as a direct result of neglect or abuse (Child Abuse). That is five children too many, as every child should be given the opportunity to grow up in a safe, nurturing environment. By mandating parental licenses, it ensures that children will be born into families who are deemed safe and caring. Numerous tasks nowadays are requiring individuals to get licensed. Whether that be driving a car, shooting a gun, or even getting married. The amount of child abuse, neglect, and foster care cases has risen over the past few years, and by creating mandatory licenses for potential parents, the number should dramatically fall. Children do not have a say in who raises them, and how they are raised. In order to protect children, parents need to be required to to be licensed before they have kids. …show more content…

While this is a valid statement, it can be refuted by everyone agreeing that there should at least be basic standards for raising a child. A parenting license would just enforce the standards every child should be brought up with. That being said, these licenses are not meant to dictate every move a parent makes with their child or children, the license is there to set a minimum standard for care of a child. The absolute minimum standard should be the basic human necessities to live; food, shelter, and health. However, the bar should be set where the children are happy, educated, and nurtured. This standard should not be hard to meet if the potential parents consider themselves fit to raise a child. The standard is there to keep parents who neglect or harm their children at bay. The license is a sort of test to show potential parents meet all of the criteria. If they fail the license test, then they do not get to reap the benefits of

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