Should Mandatory Organs Be Legal Essay

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Should Mandatory Organs Be Legal? Introduction What does organs being donate mean to you? Do you agree with the mandatory organ donation? If you don’t agree, then why not? Is it a problem for people who are deceased to donate their organs for those in need? What purpose does a deceased person have for their organs? Exactly! It serves no purpose. Their organs can be used for a better purpose, to save someone else’s life. Should Mandatory Organs Be Legal The purpose of Mandatory Organ Donation serves completely as a lifesaver for those in need of an organ. Due to its purpose, the process would eliminate the hectics of people donating their life vessel. According to my nurse mentor, “one organ can save up to eight lives”. Imagine yourself on the verge of dying with only an organ as your savior, you have an 85% chance of dying. Think about it if your were actually …show more content…

The United States has a 26.6 deceased organ donors per 1 million people in 2014, while other countries have seen 20-30 percent increase in organ donations. Spain has become the “World’s leader” in mastering the metric system for transplant of organs. “The Spanish model is held up as the ideal, and in many ways it is,” says Eamonn Ferguson, a professor of health psychology at the University of Nottingham and one of the researchers on the study. (T. Wein. November 10, 2014. Why Don’t More People Want to Donate Their Organs? The Atlantic Media Company. This country has a 35.7 rate using the presumed consent law. “More than 35 percent of those who actually got organs after the law was passed got them because of the prioritizing system,” says Dr. Jacob Levee, director of the Heart Transplantation Unit at Sheba Medical Center who spearheaded the change and authored the results. “It’s not just a dead-letter law. We’ve seen an actual change in how organs are being

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