Should College Athletes Be Paid?

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For many years, college athletes have been in the spotlight for criticism. The number one reason for this criticizing is the low graduation rates from the athletes. The lowest graduation rates tend to come from football and men’s basketball. For most college students the top priority is to come to college and receive their diploma. In a survey that was constructed for college athletes and their experiences throughout college, it was also one of their top priorities to graduate from college (Potuto). Being a student athlete can have many benefits, but at the same time it can have many down falls. To strive for that goal of graduating college and receiving a diploma, athletes have to juggle many task. They have to attend classes, find time to do their homework, attend practices, and competition games. Learning all these skills so quickly can even have an impact on their education. They can cause athletes to become stressed and overwhelmed. One of the most important skills the athlete does learn is time management. Athletes have to make time for each task and make sure it is done properly. Therefore, student athletes have to learn many adult skills faster than that of a regular …show more content…

The National Collegiate Athletic Association, NCAA, have set many limitations on the number of hours student athletes can spend on activities a week. Colleges have even gone to measures of restricting the number of athletes that can live together. These limits have been set so that athletes can interact with non-athletes. Engagement has been show to have a serious impact on student athlete success (“Athletes”). If athletes become isolated from non-athletes, they don’t learn how to socialize with other people besides who they see on the game field every day. They can’t explore different academic experiences or their identity outside of

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