Should Children Be Allowed To Spank Children

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Spanking has probably crossed the minds of many parents at some point. Maybe the child was being disobedient or disrespectful. Time-outs aren't effective, and neither is any other discipline techniques tried. Suddenly, one began to wonder, "Is a swat on the bottom so bad?” The decision is determined by the individual asked. Some say finding spanking supporters are hard, but statistics say other wise. Of the 1,000 readers polled on, 81 percent said they had spanked their child at least once, and 22 percent do so once a week or more. That figure is consistent with a 2007 study published in the journal Psychology, Public Policy, and Law, which found that nearly 80 percent of kids are spanked at least once by fifth grade (Moninger). …show more content…

Although Dr. Phil is against spanking, he believes individuals should look at results of many years worth of research and decide for themselves. Each parent must decide which form of discipline would be most effective for their child. In his article, “Spanking Research,” Dr. Phil presents many reasons why children should get spankings. Discipline plays a big role in children’s lives. According to Dr.Phil, “In a study, moms who consolidated dissuading negative outcomes, (for example, spanking) had the most achievement in changing negative behaviors.” In other words, children with negative behavior can be greatly affected by negative consequence, such as spanking. Spankings can be compelling on a temporary basis in getting youngsters to change any negative practices that incited the spanking. Spankings do not cause negative effects, argues Dr.Phil. Moreover, parents have power to spank their youngsters to revise their wrongdoing. Parents who discipline effectively spank on a basis of clearly defined rules, not on their feelings at that particular moment. Opponents of spanking say that it has long-term negative consequences such as increased anti-social behavior. But it’s found that those same consequences can be associated with nearly every other kind of nonphysical punishment. Spanking isnt any better or worse than grounding children, sending them to their room or even getting them …show more content…

Spanking a child is a type of punishment that can be regulated by various factors including how the parent delivers the punishment and how it impact to the child's perception, reaction and emotion Spanking is like milk: it does the body good — or at least the mind. Spanking is not child abuse and parents should not be afraid to discipline their children with an occasional spank. Unlike Dr. Markham, who stated spanking a child is child abuse when he/she has done wrong, Dr. Phil argued occasionally spanking a child who is acting unsafely or terribly does not make parents child abusers or people with anger problem; it makes them parents who care about their child’s future. In disciplining children, parents should do everything as kindly and gently as they can first. They should try to understand a child, make sure the child understands what is expected of them, use reasoning and find an adequate nonphysical consequence, like a “timeout” or taking away privileges, in which Dr.Markham believe in. But if the child won’t cooperate, some kids need something more forceful to back it up.This is where backup spanking comes in. It involves two swats of an open hand to the rear end. However, the two doctors

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