Should Censorship Be Banned In Schools

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The topic of censorship in books is a big deal. Lots of people think censorship should be mandatory. There will always be struggle over this the banning of books. Censorship in books causes unneeded struggles. Sometimes censorship is mandatory, but other times it is simply not needed.

Censorship is needed when there is an elephantine amount of explicit content. In books such Dreaming in Cuban or Fifty Shades of Grey there is an enormous amount of sexual content. These books are public, so kids could get there hands on them. This is a case in which censorship in books would be alright. According to Justice William Brennan “Schools may not exercise their discretion… and they may not remove books from school library shelves simply because they …show more content…

”In 1977, the Ku Klux Klan—yes, that Ku Klux Klan—took moral issue (!) with Of Mice and Men for its profanity and demanded the book be a) removed from school libraries in South Carolina, and b) burned. Other books challenged or banned for profanity include The Great Gatsby and As I Lay Dying“(Leigh 10). These are American classics that were banned because they contained a few choice words. Profanity will never die, and the books that contain those words shouldn’t have to be banned or destroyed because people don’t like the words in these books. ”Scores of books, from To Kill a Mockingbird to The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian, have been banned for exploring racial themes or depicting racism directed at various groups of people. The N-word is, in fact, a one-way ticket to book bonfires, even if the whole point of your book is to condemn or deconstruct racism” Racism is still a very controversial topic, yet that shouldn’t be any reason to ban a book Books should be looked at for their stories and their impact on the world not the possible negative events that take place within. ”Many a book has been banned because it contained religious notions that “might not coincide with the public view.” Because apparently the public view is… unanimous”(Leigh 25).
Religion has been fought over for far too long. Can’t people just all agree that people have different

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