Should Bread Be High In Calories?

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Everyone loves bread, but in recent years we've become more wary of it. We realize that it's high in carbs and too much of it can be fattening. Why must the most wonderful tasting foods be high in calories?

But you can still enjoy bread without having to put some extra notches in your belt. It has nothing to do with how to cut bread, you don't have to cut slices razor thin to fix the problem. It has more to do with how the bread is prepared, and what you do or don't add to it. With the right knowhow, your bread slicer can still get plenty of use, and you can still enjoy a slice of bread, without needing to feel guilty.

The first thing we should probably discuss is whole wheat bread. This type of bread it typically regarded as being healthier than basic bread. It's lower in carbs and higher in fiber. Getting more fiber in your diet can be very important, even if you're not trying to lose weight. …show more content…

Instead of eating plain wholegrain bread, a lot of people prefer it with raisins. This adds a little flavoring. Another popular way to get around the taste of whole grain is to toast it. The difference between whole grain bread and basic bread seems to be less noticeable for many people when they are toasted. You can enjoy your usual crunchy goodness in the morning without putting on as many carbs. Also, the more you eat whole wheat breads the more your taste buds adjust to the difference in taste and texture. Before long, you won't enjoy white bread because it will seem too

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