Should assault weapons banned in the U.S or not. Assault weapons should not be banned because of self-defense and protection of robberies. Also for drug dealers across the border because immigrants smuggle. AWB was applied in 2004 because of the use of Assault weapons. On this information that is provided Assault Weapons should not be banned. The AWB had an effect on all the crime that was happening because the ban took the use of weapons. The main thing that differentiated the banned weapons was their appearance. As many predicted, a legislatively mandated post-AWB study found that the ban had no discernible effect on crime rates.The AWB also had effect with school shooters because they can’t have use firearms …show more content…
to shoot up the schools anymore. Shooting up schools isn’t possible without having a firearm in hands. In the U.S AK-47s are still being produced because of wars and bombing between the us and other islamic countries.
The main thing that differentiated the banned weapons was their appearance. As many predicted, a legislatively mandated post-AWB study found that the ban had no discernible effect on crime rates. Having a gun is a sacrifice of the constitutional rights of Americans for the problems of another nation. There was a school shooting in Colombian High School where assault weapons were fired until the school was literally littered with bodies—a dozen students and a teacher murdered, more than two dozen others injured. My personal appeal is that assault weapons should not be banned,for self defense and our 12th amendment because if you get robbed with no one with you then you should have the right pull out your gun and kill the person for self defense. People are always going to have some people who are prone to grievance killing. It is my belief the assault weapon, the military-style semiautomatic assault weapon, has become the weapon of choice for grievance killers. Some people disagree with others saying that the government should ban Assault Weapons because they are too powerful and dangerous for kids under 21. The government …show more content…
shouldn’t ban Assault weapons for your constitutional right and self defense against others. Counterclaims for banning assault weapons people argue that because most people are shot and killed with handguns with high capacity shell fired rounds.If you were to ban firearms there wouldn’t be the possibility for school shootings and robberies.
Also, there wouldn’t be gang attacks and stuff like that like in africa where there’s kids that are seven holding machine guns (AK-47). Assault Weapons should not be banned from our 12th amendment. And this all comes to the question if Assault weapons should be banned or should not be banned from the U.S. .All the reasons why Assault weapons should be banned and why they shouldn’t be banned from the 12th amendment. By, Salvatore Ra Works Cited Alters, Sandra M. "Statement of Senator Dianne Feinstein on the Assault Weapons Ban." Gun Control: Restricting Rights or Protecting People?, 2009 ed., Gale, 2009. Information Plus Reference Series. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 10 Feb. 2017. Alters, Sandra M. "Statement of Senator Dianne Feinstein on the Assault Weapons Ban." Gun Control: Restricting Rights or Protecting People?, 2007 ed., Gale, 2007. Information Plus Reference Series. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 10 Feb.
2017 Caldwell, Robert J. "Bans on Assault Weapons Will Not Reduce Crime." Guns and Crime, edited by Tamara L. Roleff, Greenhaven Press, 2000. At Issue. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, =e9833360. Accessed 10 Feb. 2017. Originally published as "Let Ineffective 'Assault Weapons' Ban Expire: Firearms Facts Refute Hollow Rhetoric of Anti-gun Activists," Human Events, 9 June 2003. The Assault Weapons Ban Should Be Reinstated." Gun Violence, edited by Louise Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, Accessed 10 Feb. 2017. Originally published as "It's Past Time to Renew Assault-Weapons Ban," Delaware County Daily Times, 20 Apr. 2009. Warrick, Steven. "The Assault Weapons Ban Should Not Be Reinstated." Gun Violence, edited by Louise Gerdes, Greenhaven Press, 2011. Opposing Viewpoints. Opposing Viewpoints in Context, ?u=will11665&xid=2eb4e02d. Accessed 10 Feb. 2017. Originally published as "Reinstating Automatic Weapon Ban Would Be Ineffective,"Daily Utah Chronicle, 10 Apr. 20
Fields, Gary. "New Washington Gun Rules Shift Constitutional Debate." Wall Street Journal. 17 May. 2010: A. 1. SIRS Issues Researcher. Web. 22 Apr. 2014.
Watkins, Christine. "Gun Crimes Cause Serious Harm to Children." Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Gale Cenage, 20 Aug. 2010. Web. 28 Apr. 2014.
“Gun Control.” Opposing Viewpoints Online Collection. Detroit: Gale, 2013. Opposing Viewpoints In context. Web. 15 Sep 2013.
Williamson, Michael Z. “Why the assault weapon ban failed, and a new one would, too.”
Assault weapon control is becoming an unavoidable topic in the United States. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation more than nine hundred people have died from mass shootings in the past seven years and an assault rifle was used in twelve of the forty-three mass shootings in the past four years. The U.S. Department of Defense has long defined assault rifles as fully automatic rifles used for military purposes. The National Firearm Act of 1934 prohibited fully automatic weapons in the United States. The 1994 Assault Weapon Ban prohibited semi and fully automatic weapons and any weapon with military style characteristics. California Senator, Dianne Feinstein, is leading the charge in the American government to pass a bill that will limit the capacity of ammunition in a magazine and ban assault weapons that are too dangerous for public use. It is time for the American government to act swiftly and acknowledge the dangers assault rifles pose.
People who use assault weapons have to pay a lot to acquire these weapons, and it is their right to own them. If they do ban assault weapons are they going to go to everyone who has a license to own that gun, and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for them and just take them. That is a violation the bill of rights by removing our rights to bear certain arms. If they do take the weapons who is the person who decides which weapons are assault weapons? If they steal the guns and violate the constitution, what are they going to do with all of the 300-500 million assault weapons that they would
Sager, Josh. "Refuting Anti-Gun Control Arguments." The Progressive Cynic. N.p., 12 Jan. 2012. Web. 17 Oct. 2013.
The 2013 gun ban legislation will not solve the problem of violence, but instead will gradually promote it. The writers of the legislation did not appropriately use the correct firearm terminology, which caused the ban to be too broad and generated confusion. In addition, the constitution guarantees its citizens the right to bear arms for self-defense against criminals and if necessary, an overextending, dictatorial government. Therefore, this recent gun ban is not helpful for the general public because the ban is too broad and removes the right we have as U.S. citizens to keep any type of firearm.
Rauch, Jonathan. “The Right Kind of Gun Rights.” National Journal Vol. 40 Issue 11. Academic Search Complete. 15 Mar. 2013. Web. 6 June 2015.
Wilson, H. (2007). Guns, gun control, and elections. Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.
If people want to defend themselves, why waste the money and time on having police? In this day and age why have weapons, why not cut out all firearms and just be one happy country, it’s that simple, but is it really that simple? Assault Weapons Must Be Banned in America.
Violence has been connected with guns in today’s society. For this reason a lot of cases have ended up in courts to try to decide what the truth about the second amendment is. As the U.S. Constitution guarantees people the right to bear arms. Not only is this but there debates about this amendment, that look to strike down the law in effect. There have been laws banning the ownership of handguns, which has been an attempt to stop the violence in districts. Many are searching for the correct way to regulate dangerous or potentially dangerous weapons, by doing this they would make the ownership of them illegal (Hoxie 474). But is the...
Wright, Stephen E. "Gun Control Laws Will Not Save Lives." Guns and Crime. Ed. Christine Watkins. Detroit: Greenhaven Press, 2012. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Web. 22 Nov. 2013.
“The Assault Weapons Ban: Questions & Answers.” Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence. August 2002. Brady Campaign. Org. 3 Dec 2002
Listverse,. '10 Arguments For Gun Control - Listverse '. N.p., 2014. Web. 30 Oct. 2014.