The word assault means to make a physical attack on someone, but how does a weapon with the purpose to provide food for your family become classified as an assault weapon? If a weapon is used to assault another person is it then classified as an assault weapon, or is it still just a weapon used to bring harm to someone? The classification of an assault gun should be changed.
Most assault weapons that are in America aren’t used for assault, but they are used to provide food for a family or protection. There are 300-500 million assault weapons in America and only 82 have been used in a crime. In 2016 assault weapon attacks only accounted for 1 percent of the 18,731 deaths and injuries. The word assault weapon gives a weapon the wrong image.
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Does the knife become an assault knife? The answer is no. This is very contradicting to the name assault weapon because if you have a weapon with some characteristics it is then classified as an assault weapon. In the year 2014, the homicide rate was only 4.5 in every 100,000 people. There are a lot of people who believe that these weapons should be ban. They say that these weapons are too dangerous and that they shouldn’t be available to the public to buy. They are very dangerous, but to purchase these guns you must have a background check, a license to carry them, and you have to have a gun safety license also. The level of security you have to go through to purchase these weapons is insane, and so is the price of these weapons.
People who use assault weapons have to pay a lot to acquire these weapons, and it is their right to own them. If they do ban assault weapons are they going to go to everyone who has a license to own that gun, and paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for them and just take them. That is a violation the bill of rights by removing our rights to bear certain arms. If they do take the weapons who is the person who decides which weapons are assault weapons? If they steal the guns and violate the constitution, what are they going to do with all of the 300-500 million assault weapons that they would
If you own a firearm in New York State you know about the secure ammunition and firearms enforcement act or SAFE act for short. What you may not know about it though is much more important. What most people don’t realize is that this law is under more opposition than any other law in the state’s history “As of 3/11/2013, we've had 127,715 people sign the petition!” (New York senator Kathleen Marchione). There are many explanations why. What I am here to ask is should assault be legal and unrestricted in the state of New York, and is it legal to restrict them the way that the legislators of the state have?
Enforcing an assault weapons ban can reduce the all-too-familiar occurrences of mass shooting and massacres. When Adam Lanza shot 26 people in Sandy Hook Elementary School..police say he largely relied upon a Bushmaster AR-15 "assault-type weapon," a semiautomatic rifle that could rapidly fire multiple high-velocity rounds. He was also equipped with magazines that held 30 bullets each (Plumer). As a chart from Princeton's Sam Wang shows, the number of people killed in mass shootings did go down in the years the [1994 Assault Weapons Ban] was in effect...and the number of mass shootings per year has doubled since the ban expired (Plumer). This statistic clearly shows the effectiveness of the ban passed by Congress and signed by former president Bill Clinton as part of the V...
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines an assault rifle as any various automatic or semiautomatic rifles with large capacity magazines designed for military use. An assault weapon might have characteristics like a pistol grip, a silencer, a bayonet mount, a grenade launcher or a flash suppressor. The Violence Policy Center, a non-profit organization based in Washington D.C., provided a study that listed the top ten points about what assault weapons are and why they are so deadly. This document stated, “semiautomatic assault rifles (like AK-47 and AR-15 assault rifles) are civilian versions of military assault rifles and there are virtually no significant differences between the two.” Machine guns or military style assault rifles are fully automatic, which means as long as you ho...
Over the past year, the United States has been plagued with controversy in regards to gun control legislation. On January 24, 2013, Senator Feinstein introduced the Assault Weapons Ban of 2013. The Assault Weapons Ban was a bill written to stop the acts of sale, transfer, importation, and manufacturing of military styled weapons. The NRA-ILA website quotes an excerpt of Feinstein’s bill, which states, “Feinstein’s new bill are as follows: Reduces, from two to one, the number of permitted external features on various firearms. The 1994 ban permitted various firearms to be manufactured only if they were assembled with no more than one feature listed in the law. Feinstein’s new bill would prohibit the manufacture of the same firearms with even one of the features.” (NRA-ILA) Wayne Lapierre, Executive Vice President of the NRA, said in 2009, “There’s not a dime’s worth of difference between the guns you want to ban and you don’t want to ban. You’re going to ban these semi-autos, and then it’s going to be handguns, and then it’s going to be pump shotguns.” Lapierre’s statement supports the fact that the recent gun ban legislation across the United States will not solve the problem of increased violence.
If people want to defend themselves, why waste the money and time on having police? In this day and age why have weapons, why not cut out all firearms and just be one happy country, it’s that simple, but is it really that simple? Assault Weapons Must Be Banned in America.
The Reasons for the government attempting to ban the vast majority of firearms comes from all the violence that is caused using them. The government’s aim is to make a safer environment for the people. That is a reasonable goal, but most crimes are dealt using illegal firearms. Banning firearms most likely wouldn't cause much of a decline in gun related crime. Majority of the crimes are done by people who have had a prior past of criminal activity. Guns are not the reason for the violent crimes. The crimes are caused by the typical person with a violent past with them. Most people would agree that the firearms they have are used either for recreational activities or home protection in times of need. So they believe that without firearms, they are defenseless. Most will also tell anybody that the weapons aren't the ones causing the harm.
For example, according to Dara lind “Officer’s aren’t supposed to shoot to kill. They’re supposed to do whatever is necessary to disable the threat”(Lind). Whenever an officer gets caught up in a difficult situation where deadly force is needed for the most part officers do shoot to kill because they feel like there life is in danger themselves. Yes like they said they are supposed to do whatever is necessary so therefore if shooting to kill someone is necessary to them then for police officers it is the right thing to do. But in reality in some occasions deadly force by a cop resulting in someone’s death is not needed and there should be other alternatives to handle difficult problems like that. In addition, “Usually, the point from where the officer believes he has to use deadly force to the point where he uses deadly force -- where he pulls
Violence in the United States is a major problem, but our politicians only want to focus on gun violence, and some of them believe the solution to ending gun violence is by preventing law abiding citizens from exercising their second amendment rights. Guns are easier to commit a crime with than other weapons, or without a weapon at all, but with an estimated 270 million guns the hands of citizens (11 facts), if they were the problem we would know it by now. It is undeniable that guns are responsible for a high amount of crime, but we already have tens of thousands of gun laws in the United States (How many gun laws are there?), that haven’t been able to curb gun violence. If the current laws were working, then maybe there would be a reasonable
Written on December 15, 1791 was the second amendment of the constitution. It states that "A well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."(Cite)? United States citizens have used guns for various reasons that include protection, hunting, and sporting reasons. The topic on gun control is a very complex topic that is discussed daily. It is such a big issue that it has both the democrats and republicans firmly established in their positions. One of the main reasons this has been such an important topic in recent years is because of all the murders and massacres that have happened recently in the United States. As our newly nominated president, Donald
Assault is an intentional or reckless act that causes someone to put in fear of immediate physical harm, e.g. pointing a gun at the claimant by the defendant, the claimant need not know if the gun is real one. Assault must be intentional, direct and immediate. Battery is the intentional or reckless application of physical force to another person. While, false imprisonment is an unlawful restriction of the claimant’s freedom of movement by the defendant.
meanings. A crime is any act constituting an offense punishable by law. An assault is any action
But men, women, and children can still go down to their local dealer and take advantage of any sales or discounts this person might be having on their drug of choice. These guns are just as easy to get as the drugs that also are illegal. Now a days criminals often carry highly illegal weapons like sawed of shotguns, machine guns, and homemade zip guns. But the gun control guys have blamed once again the gun not the criminal. Washington D.C. and New York have lots of gun control laws.
All handguns must be banned because they are the cause (s) of many deaths amongst the people of the world today. Gun violence result in fifty percent of today’s tragedies. Handguns causes too many deaths, the government need to make gun less accessible, and the law/law enforcement need to really enforce the laws they make.
After the tragic incident at Sandy Hook many were for the banning of firearms in the US; however, after our government has enforced gun safety laws shootings continue to occur. Guns have existed in the United States for a very long time and have affected the course of history. We the people of the United States have the right to bear arms. Our leaders believe that removing them from the country will lead to a better and safer country; however, I am here to tell you otherwise. Banning guns in the US is a terrible idea because it will not keep guns out of the hands of criminals, it will hurt law abiding citizens, and most importantly may leave citizens at the hands of a tyrannical government.
Gun safety is a subject that has been a main topic in the past few years among many, especially within politics. It is something that has become a substantial topic in the past few years due to many shootings and accidents that have occurred with today’s youth. It is a topic that needs to be addressed.