Short Essay On Vikings

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The title "Viking" includes a wide range of Nordic people; Danes, Swedes, and Norwegians, who lived during a period of Scandinavian expansion from 800 to 1100 AD. This word originated from Old Norse “víkingr,” or “vik” which means bay or creek and is generally associated with Scandinavian words for bays and fjords. It also corresponds with the name Wick, which is a Norwegian region. The name “Viking” which can be translated as “man of the fjord” and was used to identify the larceners, who hid in the confined bays and coves. The Saxon word “wîk” and Old High German “wîch” are considered similar to the Norse word and they both mean home. Another option for Viking is from old Norwegian word “Vike” which means leave, move away. It was to describe the people leaving their homelands in order to plunder or trade. Viking was not always used to describe a person as it was used to describe a social phenomenon, when freemen were forced to seek a better life outside the country. The Viking Age was believed to start at the first documented overseas Viking raid in 793 AD at the Lindisfarne monastery just off the Northeast …show more content…

Most accounts in the world are from people who had poor experiences with Vikings, so it would seem their telling’s are biased. While this is most likely true, it was not the only thing they did. Trading played a very large role in the Viking world. Vikings, like many other folk, farmed, bred cattle, hunted, fished, and made their own cutlery and utensils. They had homesteads and marketplaces. Salt was one of their most acquired goods, as it was used in everyday life. It was not a good that would be imported from faraway lands, though. So the Vikings traded for it from nearby people. Their biggest trade items were iron, whetstones, and soapstone cooking pots. Iron was a vital resource in their world. They used it to make shields and weapons, which offered them a better chance when

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