Shitty First Draft Summary

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In the excerpt “Shitty First Drafts” by Anne Lamott found in Bird by Bird the writer is explaining the benefits of writing the first draft with whatever comes to mind with no limitations. The thesis is “even better news than that of short assignments is the idea of shitty first drafts.” This is the thesis because it makes the reader wonder what exactly the writer is talking about. Lammott states that many writers, including herself, rarely know what they are doing until they are in the mist of doing it or have done it recently. She expresses that many writers get discouraged and upset with their selves and have to go do something else and come back to the work that she is working on. In paragraph five, it shows how a simple food review intimidated her, and she struggled with producing quality works unless she let it all come out in a limitless first draft. When preparing a food review for California magazine Lamott began by writing twice as much as she should, it would normally have a boring beginning, and stupefying descriptions of the meals. After the first draft she would take a break from writing, her nerves were shot and she felt as if her talent was vanishing. The following day she would sit down and go through it using a …show more content…

I tend to stare at the paper just wondering how I should begin my essay when in reality I’m just going to change it or delete it as I go. Also, I procrastinate on assignments because they intimidate me, especially when I know that my peers will be reading it. By reading this excerpt I feel like it is going to help me on future assignments by pushing me to get started. As she stated multiple times, no one is going to read your first draft so just write whatever is on your mind and go from there. In my argumentative essay I have revised my thesis statement multiple times and deleted more than half of my essay, because I felt that it wasn’t up to

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