Sherif's Realistic Conflict Theory

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Prejudice is a major problem within our society whether it is positive or negative, and is recognised everywhere. Prejudice falls into different types for example racism, ageism, sexism etc. It derives from fixated opinions due to the values and opinions of certain groups in society. Prejudice does not have to be forced on by others but we do it without knowing and there are many theories to explain why prejudice happens and where it all started. One theory is the 'Realistic conflict theory' by Muzafer Sherif. His experiment 'The Robbers Cave' was aimed to show negative prejudice, conflict and stereotypes between different groups can be resolved by the groups working on a common ground together. Sherif et al carried out a field experiment were he got two groups of twelve boys around the age of eleven. The first group called the Eagles and the other group the Rattlers. This experiment entailed three phases which lasted about a week for each phase. In the first week of phase one (in-groups) the two groups kept to themselves and did not interact with each other. The two groups were encouraged to bond with each other within their individual groups. Later on in that week the two groups were made aware of the other group and started to form their identities and started to take part in activities that involved competing against the other team, leading to having bias groups. At the end of the week the two groups were brought together and had to take part in competitive activities, working against each other to win awards for each …show more content…

The length people would go to find acceptance and to find a leader to honour and fight with other groups. Social identity theory has similarities and backs up Sherif's robbers cave theory. It shows how easy it is to provoke confrontation between the

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