She Loves Me Play Analysis

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University Event #4: She Loves Me
This past week I attended a theatrical performance by the Susquehanna musical and theater called “She Loves Me”. This play happened last Sunday where everybody, not including me, was with their families and or friends. The Degenstein theater was completely packed and everyone had smiles on their faces when the actors/actress profuse their skills for the benefit of all.
“She Loves Me” starts off in a perfume store where they sell perfumes and other related things to consumers. Out of the people who are employed there, they are three guys who acted as perfume consultant, a girl who acted as a cashier, and another guy who acted as the cheerful boss that has trust issues. Each of these characters have their own …show more content…

It was elegantly performed by the actor/actress knowing their lines memorized and that their ability to have a wide range of emotional output and of singing ability- from the highest note to regular conversation. In addition, to it the performance by the music department was pretty good too by creating additional suspense, building on any other emotions, and them not having any serious clerical errors with either off tune instruments or off synchronized musical notes. Another thing that I really like was the creativity that was put into the sets and of the actors/actress costumes. This additional layer of dedication helps develop more of the plot of a more opulent society of consumerism, a simplistic understanding of the context in hand, and of an almost fairytale storyline between the two lovers. The last one that got me was the emotional aspects of it. At the beginning of the performance, I was depressed with my friends being with their families, but it soon turned around. It changed with actors/actress having some comical lines and or comical performances in order to lighten the

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