She Killed: A Narrative Fiction

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I had hurled up all my coffee from the morning about an hour later. I had seen what I had done. She had gashes all over her torso and she had a slow heart rate. I just killed my friend, my closest friend. She was my sister to me. She had suffered with me when I lost my family. Without her i’m completely lost. I began sobbing, Ayumi not knowing what was wrong. “Hey, hey, it’s fine Rin. Don’t you worry.” Ayumi patted my back and gave me some tissues. “I just killed my friend! Call her dead already. I don’t want her suffering.” I sobbed. And reached out to Alex’s cold hand. I felt her softly grip my fingertips. I tried not to hurt her anymore. “I wish to not be a Ghoul anymore, I’m sorry I hurt you Alex. You didn’t deserve this, not one bit.”

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