Sharks Predator

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The Predator of the Ocean
When did sharks first begin? This is a question many might ask. No one knows the exact date or time that they came to earth, but there is an estimate of a little over 400 million years. Most people think that dinosaurs came first, but this is not true. Sharks came 200 million years before dinosaurs. There were little organisms that were very first, like bacteria, but one of the first creatures was the shark. The shark is known to many as a man eating machine and most people are deathly afraid of being in the ocean because they think they will die. Even though sharks live in water we know a lot about how they survive, how many different kinds there are, and how dangerous they are to humans.
There are many ways that …show more content…

This allows the shark to locate injured prey from quite a distance.” (Group, 2007) .This is very useful for the sharks. If they are on the hunt and smell blood they will easily be able to find food. When fish swim they create an electric wave through the water. Sharks can detect these electric currents a little over three feet. Most fish have this sense, but sharks are most sensitive to it. They have pores all over their bodies which are connected and this makes it all work. This is a good advantage for sharks because they can be still and wait for an attack. They also are able to detect if there is a bigger predator by, so if they do they can leave the area quickly and survive. This also allows sharks to be able to get food when they are in complete darkness, like at the bottom of the ocean or at night time. Another great thing that sharks use is their amazing eye sight. Their eyes reflect light twice which allows them to see very good at night time. Sharks protect their eyes as best as they can. Their eyes are very important. They have a membrane that covers their eyes while they are in a dangerous situation like a fight. “Also unlike humans, shark eyelids serve to protect the eye when attacking prey. Some sharks have a nictating …show more content…

Most people just know of a few sharks like the great white or the tiger shark or the hammerhead, but there are many more. There are more than 400 different kinds of sharks. There are some that are smaller than a ruler. One of the smallest sharks known is the Pygmy ribbon tail cat shark. The biggest ones are around seven inches long! These sharks live in the mucky bottoms by the mud. “Occurs over muddy bottoms, on the upper continental and insular slopes and outer shelves” (Smith, n.d.). They are a very small species and only give birth to 1 or 2 babies. They eat small prey, such as crustaceans and squid. There are also giant sharks. The largest living shark, and fish, is the whale shark. These sharks can get over forty feet in length. You might be scared of the sound of a shark being forty feet long, but you don’t need to worry. These sharks eat plankton. They love the warm waters and usually travel alone. The largest shark that has ever lived is the Megeladon. It is now extinct and everyone is glad. No one knows the exact size of this shark but there is an estimate of over 60 feet. “The teeth of this prehistoric shark were over half a foot long, serrated, and heart-shaped (by comparison, the biggest teeth of a Great White Shark are only about three inches long)” (Strauss). No one knows when this beast went extinct but there have been many fossils and teeth found all over the world of its remains. One of the most

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