Shane Medows' Portrayal of His Own Life in This Is England

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“This Is England” directed by the well acclaimed Shane Meadows portrays him as a young boy and his experiences growing up which he wanted to implement into this film. Characterization was well portrayed in This is England, especially through the main character as his emotional side developed throughout the film which one could argue revealed how Shane truly felt while growing up. It portrays him as a young boy growing up in England during the working class years of the 1980’s. Shane Meadows portrayed his own experiences into this film and shown the culture of life. Racism was unbelievably high and we are educated as to how people lead their own life. There were a lot of skinheads during this time and one could argue a realistic approach was met through the director’s use of specific production practices.
Shane picked an individual that would resemble him as a child, from the physical aspect as well as actions and dialogue. The psychological study of the main character shows through his actions and dialogue by avoiding conflict and complains about his clothes to his mother as he was bullied at school. This film gave me great insight of society during this time and how they reacted in certain situations.

It takes place exclusively in the East Midlands around fields and estate housing in the semi urban landscape. This was decided to reinforce the image of a region with low employment. This setting would also show only a few prospects for the advance as there is no much to work on in this type of environment. Twelve year old Shane Meadow’s father has been killed in the conflict with Argentina living with his mum. Running into school bullies, he eventually falls into a group of skinheads and end up drinking larger around the area g...

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...The actors were accurate with the dialogue and how they thought and portrayed the characters well. The main character particular interested me was the main character by the his actions and his use of dialogue was spot on and he was directed in the right way.I believe this film was a success due to the acting of the characters and how they were portrayed well. This entitled me to grasp a better knowledge of how they lived and the environment they lived in. The emotional response to events and how the other people in the storyline played their part that made the character understandable and realistic. I felt like I experienced part of his life. The use of characterization , music and sound effects and visual techniques to help make it a striking film. After the watching the film again I feel that I have accomplished a well developed critical and analytical skills.

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