Shakespeare Child Relationships Essay

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Parent and children relationships in Shakespeare are shown in a very creative and enthusiastic manner. The drama of Shakespeare characterizes how children get along with their parents. Some of the family relationships shown in Shakespeare drama is strict with many rules that everyone in the family needs to follow. Some examples of works written by Shakespeare are: “The Merchant of Venice,” Romeo and Juliet,” and “King Lear.” There are many pieces by Shakespeare’s which include children not obeying their parent’s wishes; whereas there are other plays written by Shakespeare which includes children obeying to their parents wills. Each and every text of Shakespeare’s gives the audience a different objective as well as a different point of view. There are also symbols used throughout the plays which often indicate a significant meaning. Irony, foreshadowing as well as figurative language is used to show a sense of understanding within the characters. In the two plays that will be discussed in this essay, the audience will find out about these significant elements that were used throughout...

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