Server Side

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Compare ‘user side’ and ‘server side’ factor that can influence website performance
File type Image files;
When inserting images into your website there are a few consideration you must account for such as file type and image files. There are three types of files, one of these file type is a JEPG. A jpeg image is a still high quality image. A large jpeg images can take longer to download due to the file size therefore affecting the website performance. The user side factors is having a good internet connection to load the picture. If the user didn’t have a good internet connection then it will affect the website performance because it will take longer to load the picture. Also if the user didn’t have enough RAM then again it would take longer to download the image on the website. The server side is that if there was high network traffic then this could slow down the performance of the website, taking a long time for the website to load or not load at all.
Sound Files;
In sound files, there are two type of sound file, the first one is .wav and the second one is .MP3. The wav file is a high sound quality however it is a …show more content…

If you wanted to convert a TIFF file type to a JPEG file type then this would make the quality of the worse because you have change it from an standard quality image to a low quality image however the file size has been reduced so this means that if the picture will load quicker but the picture will be a low quality. The user side factor that could affect the performance is that if the slow internet connection because if the picture was a high quality then it would take some time for the picture to download. Also if the user had small ram space then again it would a long time for the picture to download. The server side to this is that if the broadband speed was slow then this would have an effect on the time for the picture to

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