Self-Efficacy And Third Grade Students

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Self-Efficacy and Self-Regulation & Third Grade Students
A student’s belief about their abilities and what they think they can accomplish is their self-efficacy. Self-regulation, controlling and guiding children and their actions, occurs for younger students largely at the hands of teachers and parents, but as students mature they will start self-regulating themselves more frequently. (Ormrode, J.E., 2014) Seeing these two roles explained, it is apparent that what a 3rd grade student believes they can do in combination with how their learning goals are regulated, will have a lot to do with how a student learns and performs. In this paper we will explore strategies that can improve self-efficacy and self-regulation in the arena of learning. …show more content…

On the other hand, over-confidence in one’s abilities can also yield unsatisfactory goals. The role of the teacher in this case is to observe the 3rd grade classroom, student by student, and learn characteristics about each individual’s self-efficacy, to better facilitate students becoming more confident in their abilities or more realistic about setting goals and self-evaluation. To improve self-efficacy teachers will have to use different strategies to build self confidence in students. Teachers must make sure that students clearly understand assignments and have all necessary material to complete assignments. Help students gain confidence by assuring them that they can be successful. Give them examples of other students that started the year with no prior knowledge of a particular course and succeeded in mastering the course, that most students were successful and started with as little prior knowledge as they did. When presented with a particularly challenging task or assignment, assign groups and allow students to work together, making sure that everyone in the group has the necessary skills to complete each aspect of the assignment. (Ormrode, J.E., 2014) If students are unrealistic and set expectations too high about what they think they can achieve, start having them track their progress and see more realistically where they are after an hour, one day… This will allow them to start regulating their expectations and having more realistic

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