Self Driving Cars

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What if I told you that in the future you wouldn’t have to worry about paying attention to the road while in the car? It almost sounds unbelievable, right? Not anymore, as technology advances, so does our imagination. Last year the Self-Driving car had driven over two million miles. Technology is only increasing more and more each year. Technology has highly developed over the years, which have led to new automobiles that makes driving stress-free for drivers. As technology advances, it also improves the materialistic things we have in life. This includes phones, computers, television, airplanes, buses, trains, and more importantly cars. Not only has technology changed materialistic things in life, but also other very imported things. This …show more content…

It is troubling knowing that most of these accidents could have been prevented. “According to the Center for Disease Control, fatalities from traffic accidents happen on an annual basis upward to 33,000 people." The ("Top 20 Pros and Cons Associated with Self-Driving Cars") new Self-Driving Cars will help prevent these type of accidents. There are multiple reasons why the Self-Driving car is more secure and can decrease the number of accidents dramatically. “We explored what fully self-driving cars could be like by designing a new prototype vehicle from the ground up. These vehicles had custom sensors, computers, steering and braking, but no steering wheels or pedals.” ("Journey – Waymo") When you tell a computerized vehicle to do something for you 99% times they will listen and do it, however if you tell a human being to do something for you and they don’t agree with you they probably won’t do it. So in that case, technology has a better chance of listening to you unlike us human. It is a good car for people who just got off work and is extremely drowsy and overwhelmed and can’t really pay attention to the road, so that’s when Self-Driving comes in handy and just takes you to your …show more content…

People with disabilities can finally say that they got transported in the car alone without any troubles. It could allow a user to travel further to work, explore areas which aren't served by public transportation and basically organize their own lives, whereas in the past this might not have been possible. This is an amazing convertible for them and engineers across the world are making a huge impact in our lives. People with disabilities can finally go to places alone in the car and won’t have to worry about driving or paying attention to the road. I believe that it’s an incredible vehicle and will help out a lot of people to always do things that they’ve wanted to do. Self-Driving Cars are great for people with disabilities because the ones that are blind and the ones that cannot drive won’t need to rely on people to transport those places. There are different types of addiction out there, one is how people HAVE to text on their phones constantly and not pay attention to the road. Or if they have to pick up a phone call, or snapchat, and take their eyes of the road for a couple a seconds they can jeopardize their lives in a matter of seconds. Many people also live very busy lives and they are always in a hurry. Therefore most people who are always in a hurry, eat most of their meals while they are on the road. Although this is not safe, it is

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