Bechdel Test Essay

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The Bechdel Test is an evaluation of a movie to gauge how women are represented in a film. Any movie can be tested by asking three questions : Are there two or more women in the movie who have names, do they talk to each other? Do they talk to each other about something other than a man? These questions don’t rate the quality or if a movie is misogynistic, but indicate the type of presence women have in films After watching the Barbie movie last week, I concluded that this movie passed the Bechdel test. There are plenty of women featured, such as the main character being Barbie. She has other female friends such as Writer Barbie, Weird Barbie, and Dr. Barbie. As proven multiple times in the movie, the women talk about much more than a man. …show more content…

The main focus of the movie isn’t about a man, which is why the Barbie movie passes the Bechdel test. Though the test does present the roles of the named women in any movie, there are some flaws that can be overlooked. An example is if a movie doesn’t have many women named. The fewer women that are in a movie, the less likely it is to pass the Bechdel test. This doesn’t mean the women in a film are misrepresented, they could just be little characters in a movie. There could also be women in the film, but they are just not named. Some movies can even have women with strong presence, but still don't pass the test because they are not named. The test doesn’t accurately detect other issues in film, such as the under representation of women in film. The only way that we can really analyze the film is to pick up any hidden forms of misogyny. To accurately test a film, viewers can ask questions such as what is the role of women in this film and if the central plot of the film is about something other than a man. Initially, I was surprised by the simplicity of this test. There were only three questions, and it seemed like a simple way of measuring the representation of

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