Selecting A Child's Guardian

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3 Things To Think About When Selecting Your Child’s Guardian
The birth of a child is what often causes people to start thinking about creating a will. That is because it is the best way to decide who will become the guardian of your child if you and your spouse were to suddenly pass away. Selecting a guardian is a big decision to make, and not something you should take lightly. Here are 3 thing to think about to make the decision easier.
Philosophies and Values
A parent’s philosophies and values play a big role in decisions they make. You child’s guardian should share many of your personal beliefs and values, which will ensure that those philosophies will still be a part the child’s life.
Consider social values, educational values, religious …show more content…

For example, the age of a guardian can play a big part in your child’s life. Your parents may share a lot of your philosophies and values, but will have difficulties with how active a child can be on a daily basis. Younger guardians may not be mature enough to handle a child, even if they have the same beliefs as you.
Be sure to consider both partners when selecting guardians. One person may be an ideal fit for your child, but their spouse has different philosophies that will impact the child’s life. You must consider how each guardian parents as an individual, not only as a couple.
It’s important that your child’s guardians also live close to other family members. Even if they are a good fit for your child, it can be disrupting to your child if they have to move to a different state where they will no longer be close to other relatives or friends.
You should also consider children that a potential guardian already has. Does your child get along well with their child? Are they close in age where they can relate to each other? What sort of influence will their child have on yours? These are all questions you should be asking yourself before making a

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