Security Breach Essay

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According to a recent research conducted by renowned Security Professionals, the major causes of data breach can be categorized into:


Malware and hacking are the most potent and long-established causes of security breaches. Malware attacks and data loss are growing concerns for businesses around the world.

To give a clear example, Zeus Trojan was modeled to steal financial information from the system influenced by it. By means of website monitoring and key logging, the malware identified the keystrokes used to log in and swiped information.


It is not entirely accurate to say that external factors are solely responsible for security breaches. It has been found that 35% of the major data breaches are …show more content…


Sophisticated cyber attacks need sophisticated cyber security. With the expansion in the number, cost and other devastating impacts of data breach, digital forensics render a major role in the investigation and control of information security breaches.
So, what role does forensics play in exploring and minimizing the number of data breaches and attacks?

Realizing the adverse and damaging effects of modern security breaches, forensics play a major role in detecting and preventing threats before security breaches occur. This can save a lot of pressure that would have arisen if the breach had taken place. That’s why notable companies hire a forensic team to prevent being the victims of security attacks. 7.2 JUSTICE TO THE VICTIM ORGANIZATION AND PENALTY TO CRIMINALS
Using powerful digital forensic tools like Encase, Wireshark, SANS Investigative Forensics Toolkit, etc to analyze mountains of data quickly and efficiently, proficient forensic experts can track and trace the data breaches and save a victim organization from major loss.

Data recovery tools like BitRecover Data Recovery Software, TestDisk and Scalpel can be used to recover lost or tampered

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