Secrets Found in Gimli by Diane Alexander

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Secrets Found in Gimli by Diane Alexander, Freya Press, 2007 is the text chose to be stylistic analyzed. The main theme in the story is healing. Anger and jealousy destroyed the life of two Aboriginal siblings. In order to heal the issues left unsolved in the first life, the sibling soul’s reincarnate as friends, but their relationship with each other, and with others characters in the story, are turbulent. Aboriginal spirituality played a role in the story and explains the reasons for things and helps the characters solve their karmas issues. Diane Alexander uses Canadian historical facts to create a fiction and she succeeds, her story is interesting.

The narrators of the story are the author Diana Alexander, and sometimes the characters, which narrates while dialogue. Alexander narrates the entire first paragraph, and her point of view in that piece is trusted, because she narrates the historical fact. The second paragraph though is from the point of view of the members of council, who is a character of the story and is also trusted. The member expressed his feelings, which should...

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