Secretary. Why Do You Think Your First Choice Position

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Secretary Why do you think your first choice position is important to our chapter? What new ideas or skills can you contribute to the position? The secretary has a large role to keep Phi Mu up and running. With a lot of duties to balance, having a good assistant that she can rely on for help is essential. I follow instructions well, but can also work independently. I am passionate about my involvements, which motivates me to be dedicated, organized, efficient, and proactive. Why do you feel you would be the best candidate for your first choice position? Please include any relevant leadership experience. Working as a Desk Services Coordinator in Wall Residential College has matured my critical thinking and responsibility as there is no supervisor continuously watching over me or assisting with various tasks. It is up to me to stay productive at the desk, to follow policy, and to make decisions. Furthermore, I began a peer-tutoring club in high school; I understand the effort and organization it takes to keep a program running, and I have some knowledge of spreadsheet use. House Manager Why do you think your first choice position is important to our chapter? What new ideas or skills can you contribute to the position? …show more content…

Ensuring that the house is presentable and meets national standards is important as visitors of sisters and from Phi Mu will come by. Additionally, through hosting events in the house, sisters are brought together and are encouraged to visit the house more often. Firstly, I love decorating. Secondly, I love hostessing. Movie and game nights are among my favorite pastimes, so planning events such as these for Delta and then getting to enjoy them with fellow members would be a

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