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Narrative therapy its importance
Science, non science and pseudoscience
Narrative therapy its importance
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Often, therapies that are pseudoscience will appear to be scientifically based when in fact they are not. In their article, “Science and Pseudoscience in Communication Disorder: Criteria and Applications,” Fin, Bothe and Bramlett (2005) assert there are 10 criteria that can assist in determining if a therapy is scientifically based or if it is pseudoscience (p. 172). Their first criterion deals with the testability of the therapy or treatment. Valid scientific treatments have the ability to be thoroughly examined. If a therapy or treatment cannot be tested, it is not credible. Many pseudoscience therapies claim to have proven and verifiable results. However, the claims are not founded on experiment based evidence (Fin, Bothe and Bramlett, 2005, p. 173). In their second claim, Fin, Bothe and Bramlett (2005) address the adaptability of a treatment method when conflicting evidence is presented (p. 173) . This claim, much like the first claim, deals with the evaluation of the therapy. In true scientific treatment, the goal is to provide valid therapies. Thus, any scientific evidence that differs from the original research is thoughtfully analyzed and, changes or corrections are made when necessary (Fin, Bothe and Bramlett, 2005, p. 173). The third criterion deals with verifiable evidence. It is important for treatments to be assessed in a way that allows for the possibility of failure and, when contradictory evidence is discovered, it cannot be ignored. Pseudoscientific treatments often ignore contradictory evidence and base their claims solely on confirming evidence. (Fin, Bothe and Bramlett, 2005, p. 173). Criterion four offers insight on narrative based evidence. The positive claims associated with pseudoscience are... ... middle of paper ... ...not guaranteed. Pseudoscientific treatments repeatedly offer extravagant and guaranteed results (Fin, Bothe and Bramlett, 2005, p. 177). Finally, criterion ten looks at the therapy approach. Scientific research should be detailed and explicit, and should examine the cause and effect of both the disorder and the treatment. Many pseudoscience therapies claim that treatments only work if applied and analyzed universally, with the whole person in mind (Fin, Bothe and Bramlett, 2005, p. 177). In general, treatments are not exclusively scientific or pseudoscientific and the list above is by no means comprehensive. However, it does provide a framework for evaluating possible therapy options. Evaluating a treatment based on the ten criteria cannot guarantee a treatment’s effectiveness but it can help establish its validity (Fin, Bothe, and Bramlett, 2005, p. 178).
Thankfully there is an alternative that can solve the cause of these ailments while avoiding the negative effects that the psychoactive drugs leave on the patient. The alternative is talk therapy, or more professionally known as psychotherapy. If a higher emphasis is placed on psychotherapy rather than the curre...
...very effective. This manual should be researched and developed further because not only can people educate themselves, but therapists can have more time to focus on deeper problems and on patients who do not respond well to such therapies.
Although Science and Pseudoscience are evidently two completely different topics, what is considered to be classified as a Science or Pseudoscience is a controversy topic that’s still being debated today. While science builds and organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the world through the scientific method, pseudoscience is a claim, belief or practice which is presented as science, but lacks support of evidence and cannot be reliably tested. Hypnosis is one topic several psychologists and those in the field of science are seemingly still debating today, in result to its several different uses. Although hypnosis is shown to work when dealing with certain phenomena’s like stress, there are several uses it is considered to be very ineffective and simply not a science.
In reference to the Journal of the American Medical Association, the magnitude of ECT trials executed in the United States surpasses appendectomy, coronary bypass, or hernia repair. While the most universal submission of ECT is for psychological infirmities, the uses of ECT vary from superlative depression and schizophrenia to cancer and Parkinson’s disease.
Sackett, D.L et al. (1996). Evidence based medicine: what it is and what it isn't. British Medical Journal, 312: 71.
While current treaments, which include pharmaceuticals and surgery, do work in most cases there are numerous cases where they are dangerous or innefective. Some patients are unresponsive to pharmacological treatments or are unwilling to accept the risk of side effects. For example, under 55% of patients with epilepsy cease having seizures after treatment with anti-epileptic drugs (DeGiorgio and Krahl 743) and only 20-40% of patients with depression show significant improvement after one year(DeJongh and Haight 1)
The objective of a placebo is to compare and assure that a new drug or operational procedure is effective. In experiments, the placebo is an inactive substance or procedure used as a control in an experiment (1). The placebo looks, tastes or feels just like the actual treatment (2). A false procedure for example, may consist of advising a person that he/she will be operated on and then making an incision into a person without operating. Subjects are advised of their probability of receiving actual treatment in order to maintain the expectation level of the participants. The efficacy of making an incision maintains the expectation level of the subject because the presence of a scar raises their belief that they were placed in the actual treatment group. Whether the placebo is a 'sugar pill' or an...
discovered that the article described false evidence. It is crucial to trust the medical claim that
much research we can assume that it has been successfully proven that the benefits truly do
...delic therapy has greater outcomes than traditional therapies in different situations why is it not considered as a way of therapy?
Percival, S. L., Thomas, J. G., Slone, W., Linton, S., Corum, L., & Okel, T. (2011). The efficacy
Methodological quality was independently assessed by using the Maastricht-Amsterdam Criteria List. The qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the selected trials were independently extracted by using a standardized data extraction form. Levels of evidence were used to determine the strength of the evidence available. It was not possible to perform meta-analyses because of the heterogeneity of the selected studies. Standard operating procedures were adopted for data collection and assimilation. The report is based on the DAP, SOAP and BIRP notes collected while preliminary studies and treatment methodology.
To be able to demarcate science from non-science is immensely important, for our society, and its individuals. Science is our main source of knowledge and as such has many applications in our daily lives, and we need to be able to distinguish scientific findings and information from the many ideas and unbacked theories which are presented to large parts of the population, appearing as if they are fact. This may include something as fickle as weight loss plans that use diction not easily understood by the public to make the product appear authorized, certified and scientifically sound, when really the product is not scientifically tested, or trials not done in a credible manner. Another, possibly more serious scenario is in education, particularly science, many supporters of creationism and other pseudo sciences incorporate these teachings in schools, teaching them as if they were approved scientific theories to impressionable children, some who grow up retaining those beliefs, they were wrongfully taught, as fact.
Legitimacy and justifying placebo use in clinical trials. Employing placebo in clinical trials can improve the quality of the study results. Firstly, a placebo group employment enables to evaluate efficacy of blind, randomised subject control medical treatment avoiding assessment bias. Secondly, it can be reduce the number of patients to conduct since outcomes in different states, these are treatment group and placebo group can be compared which makes the difference clearer whether the results are beneficial or harmful. Thirdly, placebo can be used in addition to normal treatment of patients, where results will show genuine results as beneficial or harmful conditional change....
While alternative medicine can help cure many things that modern medicine overlooks, it does not produce miracles. With new medical advances each year, we can cure more and more diseases, illness, and injuries. Unfortunately, just because we can create a new treatment that can cure an illness or injury, does not mean that the treatment will be perfect. There are several side effects or long-term problems that we have yet to notice. No treatment is perfect, which is why millions of dollars and hundreds of hours are spent each year trying to better today’s modern