Essay On Hallucinogenic Drugs

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It is said that everybody has their own type of medicine that works for them, however on certain occasions not all of these medicines are prescribed and many strongly oppose for this type of medicine to be used. John Lennon was one of the many who used un-prescribed medicine. Lennon and many others agree that the use of hallucinogenic drugs peacefully cleared their mind and made them understand what they meant to the world and connected them to everything around them in a deeper level. Which lead to the creation of the well-known Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. quote “A mind that is stretched by a new experience can never go back to its old dimension’s”. No medicine had ever helped them achieve that inner peace and understanding that they were looking for until they tried hallucinogens in a medicinal way. After what is known as the “hippie era” Hallucinogenic drugs were made illegal and societies view went from the drug that made a person peaceful and lovable to the drug that was repugnant and awfully dangerous. Although hallucinogens are considered dangerous drugs not to be dabbled with by the average person, it has recently been proven to work as a successful therapy proving that they are safe and raising the question if they should be recognized as a way of therapy. Many would say that simply entertaining the idea of having hallucinogenic drugs associated with therapy is probably the work of another idealist. That hallucinogenic drugs are far too dangerous to be used as medicine and may addict patients receiving the treatment. Another theory would be that that it’s another hoax to endorse drugs such as LSD. After hallucinogenic drugs were made illegal society wrapped its mind around it being dangerous and morally wrong to consume ... ... middle of paper ... ...delic therapy has greater outcomes than traditional therapies in different situations why is it not considered as a way of therapy? Barter,J.(2000).Hallucinogens. San Diego,CA:Lucent. “By the numbers: Psychedelic therapy.” Issues and Controversies. Facts on file news services, (11 July 2011). Web.19 Feb.2014 “Key events in the history of psychedelic therapy(sidebar).” Issues and controversies. Facts on file news services, (11 July 2011). Web.19 Feb.2014. Monroe,J.(2000).Drug dangers: Lsd, pcp and hallucinogens. Berkeley Heights, NJ: Enslow. Robbins,P.R. The drug library: Hallucinogens Springfield, NJ: Enslow. Slater, L. (2012, April 20). How psychedelic drugs can help patients face death. The New York times. Retrived from

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