Essay On Psychedelic Drugs

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In my opinion, I do not believe it’s a good idea for psychedelic drugs to be legal in any church. To me, this creates more harm than good. There is a lot of controversy, problems and speculation to any type of drug. I could not imagine the factors or problems associated with the church if psychedelics are legal for religious purposes. However, I am in support of drugs that are used and only used for medical purposes. For instance, some who has cancer or a psychological disorder, if certain drugs on the market help someone for a medical condition then absolutely, yes, I am support and all for it. What I am against are people who abuse drugs to begin with. Especially, those who individuals who have no medical condition whatsoever and should …show more content…

Again, the church’s involvement or role to offering or encouraging any sort of drugs is wrong. I feel whether some is or is not a member of the church, can connect with God in other ways than with drugs coming into play. Also, I do not agree with federal, state or local government’s involvement on the use of psychedelic drugs in any church. There are too many problems, challenges and factors affecting the church and its members. I realize that different cultures have different beliefs, which may involve the use of drugs. If this is the case, then it should be look at more closely, as long as the church is not harming or putting people into danger. Some will agree to its use while others will not. I am one of those who do not agree with, maybe because it is not part of my religious beliefs. To me, the use of psychedelics for religious purposes is a bad idea. I do not believe the church or religion is built on taking drugs, in favor of guidance, understanding or spirituality. There are other ways to connect to God than what I have mentioned. If for any reason, facts show or prove that psychedelics are useful in the church, than I may have a different perspective. Otherwise, I am not for drugs and hope that the Church is not for it

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