Scholarship essay

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“Opportunity is missed by most because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work” –Thomas Edison. I have had to struggle to get where I am today, and there have been times that I thought I would not make it to my senior year of high school. My life would almost replicate the location of a natural disaster to some. I broke my arm this past October and had to undergo reconstructive surgery, everything academics wise fell out from under my feet. After having surgery on my arm I repeatedly missed school for occupational therapy, which is a form of physical therapy. On top of my arm, I had just gotten my job back at Arby’s. By November I was working anywhere from 20-35 hours a week with school, a broken arm, and OT. I had no time for anything, not even sleep. When I was at school I could barely keep my eyes open, it eventually got to the point that when I was able to attend a full day of school I would sleep during some of my classes so that I would not fall asleep at work that night. I have worked harder in this last year just to make it through, than I have in the last four years to keep my grades up. I work every night now, and my arm is a little more healed than it was when I first started my job, but I still have limitations as to what I can do as a human being. Throughout this essay I will cover these three major points; the most important thing that I have learned in high school, why the scholarship will make a difference in my educational goals, and how I hope to make a difference in the community with my career. First of all, I would like to discuss what I believe the most important thing that I have learned throughout my high school career is. I have learned many things throughout the last four years, from lessons taugh... ... middle of paper ... ...ial person, because not everyone can deal with twenty or more teenagers at a time, but I believe I have the right amount kindness and patience to do so. From work to school and back again, I have overcome many obstacles in my life. Some of these obstacles have been more trouble than others, yet I have always come out on top. I hope to continue this and help future generations learn to cope with the obstacles of life that lie ahead. I fully believe that the more I open myself up to the world, the easier it will become to help others better themselves. If I could just make a difference in one student’s life I would have succeeded in my goal. I can only imagine the possibilities of the future, but I know that they will be great. “Success is to be measured not so much by the position one has reached in life as the obstacles which one has overcome.” –Booker T. Washington

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