Scarlet Hospital Case Study

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Competition is a widely known activity amongst health care marketers. Healthcare organizations are constantly in competition at some level from being the most patient centered to the amount of available specialist within their organization. In all industries Rivers & Glover (2008), competition among businesses has long been encouraged as a mechanism to increase value for patients. In other words, competition ensures the provision of better products and services to satisfy the needs of customers. (Rivers 2008 p.627) Small town healthcare facilities are under more pressure than their larger counterparts to effectively compete in this increasing market. Scarlet Hospital is a not for profit provider of general medical services located …show more content…

Fortunately, due to Scarlet hospital being such a top notch hospital and their proven track record of maintaining a commitment of quality care for their patients, they should be able to retain their patient base. Scarlett Hospital is a small local hospital which allows them to have reduced wait times in the clinics. Patients are also more likely to schedule an appointment within a reasonable amount of time with a physician or schedule a surgery. Furthermore, the physicians at Scarlett Hospital are more likely to spend more time with patients during their visits opposed to larger facilities where the patient base is much larger resulting in patients feeling …show more content…

For assistance in this evaluative process Fortenberry (2010), marketers often rely on a tool known as the SWOT Analysis. (p.185) The SWOT Analysis is a helpful tool for Scarlet Hospital. By using this tool, they will be able the fully outline their strengths, which they can build upon. They will also be able to determine their weaknesses. For example, weaknesses could include poor customer service, antiquated technology, or poor product offerings. According to Fortenberry (2010), weaknesses undermine product performance and ultimately, exchange in the marketplace. (p.

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