Saturn Essay

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One of the most beautiful, eye catching sights in our solar system has got to be saturn. It is the jewel of our solar system. This magnificent planet is Greek for The God of Agriculture. We chose this planet as our first choice because we were attracted to it’s uniqueness. Not only were we interested in its beautiful rings, we were also interested in its magnificent colors. Saturn is one of the most intriguing phenomenons known in the Milky Way.
Since Saturn was discovered in 1610, we have found out an abundant amount of data about it. It is the sixth planet from the sun and also the second largest planet next to Jupiter. Saturn has a whopping diameter of 58,232km. Saturn has as many as 60 moons orbiting around it, compared to earth one moon. Saturns distance from sun is a massive 890,700,000 miles. Also Saturn is the least dense of all the planets since is is made up of gasses. One day on Saturn is about 10.7 hours. That is the time it takes for Saturn to rotate or spin once. It takes saturn about twenty-nine Earth years to complete an orbit around the sun. So a year in Saturnian time is twenty-nine Earth years. Because Saturn spins so fast, Saturn’s body is not perfectly round. As you can tell, Saturn is a very mysterious planet.
Saturn is one of the five planets that you can see from Earth, though it will only be seen as a star figure. From miles away saturn looks like a solid planet. Looks can be deceiving because it is actually one of the least dense planets since it is a very gaseous planet. It has such low density to the point where if you put Saturn in an enormous pool of water, it would actually float! Saturn is 94% hydrogen and 6% helium and small amounts of methane and ammonia. Saturn’s layers is the rocky and icy c...

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... Now, the healthy spacecraft is seeking to make exciting new discoveries in a second extended mission called the Cassini Solstice Mission.
Many satellites have been sent to this beautiful planet. The very first satellite was “Pioneer 11”. It became the very first space probe to land onto Saturn (overtopping of 13,000 miles). This space probe kept going beyond the galaxy carrying a plaque displaying a woman and a man and also Earth’s location in the Milky Way, just incase it was ever found by aliens. Pioneer 11 discovered an additional moon and two more moons. It also discovered the magnetic field of the atmosphere and the magnetosphere. In 1980 a spacecraft was sent to Saturn. This was known as “Voyager 1”. This craft discovered what Saturn’s upper atmosphere was made of, and the percentages of the chemicals in the atmosphere. Voyager One discovered that Saturn has

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