Saturday Detentions In High School

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Are Saturday detentions actually beneficial in a students favor rather than an after school detention ? As a student in an high school atmosphere detentions on the weekend would not be beneficial. As a underclassmen and future upperclassmen Saturday detentions would interfere with the social activities outside of school. Furthermore not only would this interfere with the student, this would also cut into the monorators personal time with their families. Another point to follow up in regards to the 7 a.m. detention parents cannot rely on public transportation to pick up their child due to the fact that the SEPTA student transpansses are deactivated over the weekend. However depending on the distance the student has to travel parents rather not gamble with sending their child a wase to serve a Saturday detention knowing their child's safety could be at risk. In addition detentions in general don’t benefit the student at all because students sit in a room on hours end wasting away the day. Were as they could use that time in a constructive scholar like manner and complete assignments for other classes. As an alternative the monorator has the option to let that student complete classwork or complete work that the monorator of the detention has assigned. But the “topic does detention serve a purpose?” Is constantly …show more content…

This punishment could be counted as one of many of the probable causes on what causes a students grades to suddenly plummet. Likewise parents and teachers are meeting each other halfway and coming to agreement and come to the acception of disciplining a student in a effective way that accommodates both the student. So as a result detentions could be effective on the students behalf if schools and parents come together and discuss what should be issued during the

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