Unwind Essay

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Before Christopher Columbus came upon America mistaking it for the Indies and European settlers took over this land, various Indian tribes lived in America first. These Indian tribes stretched from coast to coast across North America. At least each tribe contained “500 members including a governing council and a tribal chief” (Aboukhadijeh). When the European settlers began to inhabit the Atlantic Coast, the natives would move their tribes, colliding with other tribes. Indian tribes signed a treaty ratified by the US Senate, but the ratification requirement did not ensure fair enforcement. “Tribes were victimized and the Indians were unlawfully removed from their location” (Aboukhadijeh). Indians were evicted from their land to make way for the white society. The Bureau of Indian Affairs resulted in the destruction of Indian lifestyle. The Indians can only take so much of being pushed …show more content…

In the book Connor Lassiter and his friends Risa and Lev and other unwinds are children who are up against a society of adults who want to catch them and have them unwound. They are put through a constant struggle trying to stay alive and stay away from the juvey cops. It's a constant struggle, knowing every day that a whole society doesn’t want you. There is no place for the young teenagers to turn to, every corner they turn it seems that they end up in trouble, until they meet Sonia , who hides them in her basement for few days. Then a truck picks them up, claiming to take them to a place of protection from their unwinding’s. The teenagers finally end up in an area called "The Graveyard", finally they are free from society, in the middle of a desert. Even when obstacles are thrown at these characters such as an entire town coming after them, they will keep running for their lives. But ever since that day at “Camp Happy Jack” people from around the globe, those who don’t believe in unwinding and those being forced to unwind are fighting

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