Salmon Essay

1177 Words3 Pages

In this paper I will explain the life of salmon and discuss the environment that they live in. I

will break down information that describes various kinds of salmon that specifically live in the

Kenai River and inform you about different situations that will effect the salmon population.

There are many cool facts about salmon. The largest salmon caught weighed a hundred and

twenty six pounds. Salmon are called "fry" when emerging from their eggs. Salmon can travel up

to 3,500 miles just to spawn and they usually lay around 2,500 eggs, although it is possible for

them to lay up to 7,000 eggs. A few different types of salmon are the King Chinook Salmon,

Silver Salmon, and Pink Salmon, Red Sockeye Salmon, and the Chum Keta Salmon.

The King Chinook Salmon is the largest species in the Pacific salmon (Oncorhynchus) genus.

It's taxonomy is Animalia, Chordata, Osteichthyes, Salmoniformes, Salmonidae, Oncorhynchus,

tshawytscha. This salmon can become anywhere between forty to a hundred and twenty pounds

and reaches up to three feet in length. It feeds off of insects, amphipods, and other crustaceans

while young, and mainly fish as adults. The King Chinook Salmon has a variety of green, blue,

and silver colors along it's back.

The Silver Salmon is also known as the Coho Salmon. It's taxonomy is Animalia, Chordata,

Osteichthyes, Salmoniformes, Salmonidae, Oncorhynchus, kisutch. This salmon is colored a

dark metallic blue or green, with lighter colored bellies. Coho feed off of plankton and

underwater insects/ small fish. An interesting fact about this fish is that it's lifespan remains


Pink Salmon is often called humpback salmon or humpy. It is the smallest and most c...

... middle of paper ...

...omes to the

salmon population degrading. Building dams and barriers are a part of loss of freshwater and are

not good because they are being built in many river ecosystems which causes a blockage for

salmon to enter their habitat.

In conclusion, I talked about the different types of salmon and described the Kenai River

environment. I discussed different scenarios involving humans and predators that could hurt

the salmon population. I learned that we could do lots of things to protect the salmon population.

For example, by simply not building anything on the Kenai River, we can prevent blocking the

path salmon take while migrating from freshwater to the ocean. There are many situations where

humans affect marine animals, whether they know they are hurting them or not, and we should

seek further ways to put a stop to this.

The End

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