Safe Campus

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College campuses are open to the public, unlike the locked doors of a public school. Universities doors are always open and all are welcome to the public. Rasmussen and Johnson (2008) said, “No amount of money, technology, and human resources can guarantee members of a university community that they will never fall victim to a crime” (p. 7). However, that doesn’t mean that schools don’t keep trying to increase their safety procedures. We all want schools to be safe places. “Of course, no college or university can ever guarantee that its campus is 100% “safe” because “safe” is a relative concept. The objective of any institution is to create an environment that is as safe as possible given the realities of the external environment and the inability to …show more content…

Sanders, personal communication, April 9, 2018). A new staff member added, “School shottings scare me a lot. This building is open all day to the public, so I’m not sure how I would resond to a shooter, but I feel responsible to my students. I am new, so I haven’t been trained in person, but there are videos available” (J. Jensen, personal communication, April 9, 2018). A freshman education student added, “I grew up with lock down drills while in school, but it feels different on a college campus (A. Jawarski, personal communication, April 9, 2018). The local K-12 school teachers stated, “Our elementary school had regular lock down drills. We were trained how to tie down the doors, hide our students and be quiet” (S. Jones, personal communication, April 10, 2018). A secondary education veteran teacher wisely said, “Schools have changed and we need to change too. However kids are the same, they need us now more than ever. As teachers we need to be ready for anything” (T. Berken, personal communication, April 11,

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