1. Mental Wellness at SU
2. The beat will include articles discussing issues and events related to mental health on campus. This can include articles about studies regarding mental health occurring on campus as well as studies occurring outside of SU that could have an impact on the SU community. It can include articles about students activism and student events relating to mental wellness. Also, articles about the counselling center and administrative designs regarding mental wellness.
3. Mental Wellness is a topic that many were almost completely silent about until very recently. However, in recent years it has become more and more discussed and - as a result of the fast paced, technology driven lives most college students are living - mental health issues have become more prevalent. For these reasons, Mental Wellness is a topic with lots of newsworthy stories. Institutions, like SU, are now in a position where they must respond to the fact that mental health issue are a serious issue on campus. Students are more eager than ever to talk about mental wellness and break the stigma. Studies are being conducted all over regarding
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- Dr. Felver, Psychology Professor, jcfelver@syr.edu - Cory Wallack, Director of the counselling center, cwallack@syr.edu - Susan Pasco, Accosciate director of the counselling center and staff advisor for Active Minds, sdpasco@syr.edu - Kylie Kerker, Student President of Active Minds, 425-232-4218, kmkerker@syr. edu -Delaney Airas, Communications Chair Active Minds, 347-720-2790 - Kristelle Aisaka, Health Promotion Specialist: Mental Health Promotion, 315-443-3514 - Katelyn U. Cowen, Director of the Office of Health Promotion, kucowen@syr.edu 315-443-3514 - Peter Vanable, Staff advisor for NAMI at SU and chair of the psychology department, pvanable@syr.edu 315-443-2492 - Ebony Howard, Student president of NAMI at SU, echowa01@syr.edu -Bethany Heaton-Crawford, Assistant Director of ODS & Counselor,
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Mental Health is a very important, in depth study that needs more support. Identification of mental stressors is a skill everyone should to have to live with increased mental health. New York State Healthy People 2020 has placed Mental Health as a priority, increasing awareness for mental health illness and prevention. Providing care for Healthcare workers is a small fraction of the entirety of mental health issues. Working in the hospital is stressful, caring for others takes a huge mental and emotional toll on providers. Identifying who is most at risk and understanding what is needed to prevent mental disorders is imperative as a healthcare worker. Mental Health is defined by Healthy People 2020 as having participation in productive activities,
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As it has been proven, students and depression across campuses are becoming more common daily, and it must be taken as a serious matter. There are many causes that result in depression, such as personal stress and academic stress. This severely influences a student’s life and can bring about extreme negative outcomes like suicide or eating disorders. Luckily, there are cures for this major issue. Counseling centers and mentors in the classroom and in residence halls can impact a student’s overall well-being and attitude towards his or her daily life. Depression, in conclusion, is an extremely dangerous mental illness that, if not cured with the correct treatments, could become detrimental to students across the globe.
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