Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen

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Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen

Since the threat of war in some part of the world everyday and because

of the colossal impact that it has had on our lives, it doesn't seem

surprising that it is a popular theme of poetry. Sonnets are an

extremely passionate form of poetry, used to show how the poet feels

in their heart; both Rupert Brooke and Wilfred Owen create this

passion in excellent, but very different ways. "Anthem for Doomed

Youth" by Wilfred Owen is a Shakespearean sonnet reflecting on the

callous life at war. Owen wrote this poem during his four months at

Craiglockhart, a war hospital, whilst recovering from trench fever.

Faced with many fatally injured men, this must have inspired him to

write a great deal. Unlike Brooke's poem "The Soldier", Owen portrays,

not a glorified or heroic war, but a realistic war. Rupert Brooke,

having not witnessed war, had attitudes showing the hysteria of war in

1914 projected to him, and knowing no different he had to believe it.

The title "Anthem for Doomed Youth" has a huge sense of deliberate

irony, stressing how brainless war appears to Owen. To Brooke on the

other hand, war is far from pointless; it is something one does to

receive admiration from their nation. Our first thought of an "Anthem"

is a song of pride, love, passion and honor, but when such a word is

followed by "doom", it takes away the glee and puts a feeling of

misery, implying an inevitable death, in replacement. "Youth" also

used in the title adds to the horror, as these are men with their

whole lives in front of them. Full of solemn comparisons, it is a poem

about the traditional funeral being substituted by the one that war

has created.

Owen writes" What passing-bells for these who die a...

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...cally, ahead

of his time, that war is not, by any means, right. However there is

genuine optimism in Brooke's poem, to him, it was an honour to fight

for his country; it was an honour to die for your country.

Out of both of these sonnets my favorite has to be "Anthem for Doomed

Youth" by Wilfred Owen. I like the way that he includes the reader in

the sonnet from the very start. I also can relate to Owen's poem and I

find it more thought provoking as I can't even begin to be in

agreement to Brooke's reasoning behind "The Soldier", but this does

shows me the attitude cultivated from the home front. With both of

these sonnets, being so different, it brings me to a thorough

understanding of both backgrounds and attitudes. The contrast between

Owen and Brooke allows the reader to see the reality of the First

World War from two totally different perspectives.

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