Ruining Social Media

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Social Media; Ruining Lives Sarah Baxter

Every hour that we spend procrastinating on the internet is an hour we will never get back. Spending too much time on the internet can cause serious damages both physically, mentally and emotionally. Not only are you wasting precious time, you are also missing out in a chance to build upon bonds between family and friends. Therefore are social media sites really that beneficial to our everyday life? In my opinion there should be a limit on how much time we spend online. If there was maybe health risks and other components of the internet.

When you are on the internet do you really think about how much time you spend online? Or do you think about the next pointless vine you will watch? Social media sites are becoming extremely addictive. In a way you could compare social networking sites to a box of chocolates, with each layer offering its own unique taste. Every day, Britain alone spends sixty two million hours on social networking sites. This is equivalent to one person living seven thousand and seventy seven years. Thirty six million …show more content…

Twenty years ago people would have conversations face to face and not over a mobile phone. Society as a whole has changed, technology has been updated and many people rely on technology to survive. Social media sites have become like a drug to the best of us, dragging us in, making us addicted and not wanting to let it go. It has been brought to society’s attention that bullying goes on which is wrong on so many levels. I cannot stress enough about how dangerous it is, you could give yourself mental problems if you’re on it too much. Would you risk your mental health just to post another posing picture to get likes? Sort yourself out and make new friends that around you and socialize with them. It’s not hard to put your phone down and go out a walk with your dog, is it? Swap social media sites for a healthier body and

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