Rudy The Rainmaker

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Although Rudy Baylor, in The Rainmaker, is a new and unaccustomed lawyer, he certainly has his strengths and weaknesses, and with taking a case for the first time, his complexion as well as his professionalism is shown. Rudy’s jurisdiction or in other words, his area of authority, in which he’s practicing in, is Memphis, Tennessee. He studied at the University of Memphis Tennessee Law School. Rudy, who has an interest in social justice and civil rights, practiced Criminal Law and Civil Law. In other words, he would help someone sue and go through court. Desperate for a job, he goes to a corrupt but successful personal injury lawyer, who makes Rudy an associate. To earn his fee, Rudy was required to hunt for clients at a local hospital. …show more content…

To get ears on Rudy’s case, in terms of his discussions, Great Benefit’s lawyer planted a hidden live feed mic in Rudy’s office. That was an illegal, unfair, and unprofessional violation by them listening in. Rudy eventually found out about the mic and instead of reporting the evidence of them listening in or using the evidence against Great Benefit in court, he used the evidence to make it seem like one of the members of the jury had to do with it (jury tampering). Yet, he used it against the lawyer in court to get back at the lawyer and humiliate him. Though that was kind of clever and hysterical, it wasn’t very professional and responsible for Rudy to do. Henceforth, it was also a violation by Rudy. One other violation Rudy made was the approachment towards the victim, in which he accidently did in the court …show more content…

Overall, Rudy is a very likable guy; he’s caring, he’s friendly, and he’s sensitive. He’s a sociable person. Those characteristics in general are strengths that are influential. A couple of weaknesses he has is inexperience and his confidence, particularly in the court room. I would not hire Rudy Baylor, just starting his first case. I can understand why his clients needed his help because they were already at rock bottom. However, if Rudy continued to be a lawyer and proceeded to take many cases to court, after years of gaining experience, and he’s still a great guy yet he’s good at what he does, I’d hire

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