Rudy Steiner Character

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In the first introductions to Rudy Steiner he is still an emerging character. He plays soccer mostly everyday on Himmel street with Liesel and friends. “You can kiss me if you win. But if I win, I get out of being goalie at soccer.”(37) Whenever a new kid was introduced to Himmel street soccer than person would be stuck at goalie for the longest time till they could find a way to get out of it. In Liesel’s case she decided to race Rudy for it. They raced for it and if Rudy won he would receive what he most longed for. . . a kiss from Liesel, and if Liesel won she would get of being goalie. When the race was complete they decided it was a tie and unfortunately Rudy did not get his kiss but Liesel did get out of the goalie position. Rudy shows “kid” bravery as he is still an emerging character to race Liesel. As mentioned before in the introduction Rudy Steiner just wants to be Jesse Owen's, four time olympic gold medalist. “On Himmel Street, he was considered a little crazy.

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