Rube Goldberg Machine Research Paper

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Noah likes things to be the easy, simple, orderly way. Turning off the lights? Flip the high-tech switch. Filling his glass with Sprite? Pour it. This is Noah. His sister Corinna, however, is the complete opposite. Turning off the lights, or pouring liquid into a cup? Do it the Rube Goldberg way is her solution. Who is this “Rube Goldberg” anyway? Why is he so famous? First things first. Rube Goldberg is a well-known cartoonist, who was famous for his “Rube Goldberg Machines.” Before we get into the topic of Rube Goldberg Machines, let’s zoom in on Rube Goldberg himself. Rube Goldberg graduated from Berkeley, where he got a degree in engineering. He inspired the game Mousetrap, which you may know of. Mousetrap is but one example of Rube Goldberg Machines. …show more content…

Rube Goldberg Machines have a simple concept: a Rube Goldberg Machine is a series of complicated effects, often using simple machines, to accomplish a simple task, such as turning off the lights, or filling a cup. A Rube Goldberg is made up of many different simple machines. What are simple machines, and what do they

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