Rote Rehearsal vs. Imagery

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Rote Rehearsal vs. Imagery


This investigation is similar to Bowers (1972) study where he

investigated the two conditions of Rote rehearsal and Imagery.

An independent groups design was selected to represent in my

experiment because there was a restriction in the amount of time

available. An opportunity sampling which consisted of a single blind

technique was used. Thirty members within the residential area of

Helston were chosen to take part in this procedure. This incorporated

them taking part within a memory maintenance and elaborative rehearsal

test. Fifteen residents represented the control group and fifteen

represented the experimental group.

The results of this research reflected in the standardized deviation

(SD) =3.20 and a mean value =13.07 (imagery). The results for the SD

=2.47 and a mean value =11.13 (rote). These results support my

alternative Hypothesis as there is a significant difference between

the two conditions. As the imagery group recalled a larger amount of

words compared to the rote rehearsal group.



Memory has been described in many different ways, but we could

describe it as a mental function by which we are able to retain and

retrieve information about events that have happened in the past, or

present. (Cardwell, 1996, p153).

Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) suggested that memory is made up of a

series of stores. One is the sensory information store (SIS); the next

one is the short-term memory (STM) and the long-term memory (LTM). The

stores differ in their encoding, storage and retrieval

characteristics. (See Fig 1.) The SIS incoming information is

registered by the senses and held in the system until the image fades.

This information is held as a sensation in a sensory system e.g.

visual system. The capacity of SIS is between five and nine items. The

duration of SIS lasts about one quarter of a second. Forgetting is due

to sensation within the sensory system rapidly fading away. The STM is

selected for further processing of information from the SIS. It is

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