Rotator Stuff Tendinopathy Essay

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Rotator Cuff Tendinopathy encompasses a broad spectrum of disorders, which involve the key soft tissue structures that help the shoulder achieve its complex biomechanical functions. It is a painful syndrome characterized by inflammation and chronic degeneration of the tendons, due to repeated mechanical compression against the bony outlet. Repetitive overuse of the shoulder such as frequent overhead activities causes inflammation of the rotator cuff (most commonly the supraspinatus) and inflammation of the sub acromial bursa. Attributed risk factors involve intrinsic mechanisms such as changes in vascularity, altered microarchitecture and physiological properties as well as extrinsic mechanisms such as a narrowed outlet, acromial morphology and abnormal …show more content…

X-rays are useful to identify a reduced supraspinatus outlet and any acromial dysmorphism. MRI is beneficial preoperatively in evaluating rotator cuff tears and atrophic changes. Once a diagnosis has been arrived upon, the available treatment options are vast and usually involve a conservative management in most cases, while surgical interventions are generally opted for the sporting subgroup or only if conservative measures fail to succeed. Conservative management often involves a progression from pain control to restoring flexibility and eventually a graded exercise regimen to restore rotator cuff control and shoulder kinematics for optimal use. Medical measures help to control acute symptoms by the use of NSAID’s, steroids and local anesthetics in some cases while physiotherapy is essential for proper muscle activation following the acute phase. Modalities such as Ultrasound, Cryotherapy and LASER promote healing; stretching programs prevent muscle inhibition and improve flexibility, while eccentric loading restores muscle strength and coordination to the normal. Addressing lifestyle modifications such as cigarette smoking, stress management and diet must also be emphasized in

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